
Monday, October 17, 2011

Which classical female author are you?


  1. Really clever, Mike. Emily Dickenson seems to be my mentor. Thanks for the early morning fun!

  2. This was fun. Turns out I'm more like Agatha Christie. I would have thought Jnne Austin because I love her novels of manners. I like to think I write novels of manners as well. Mine are just set in the 21st century.

    1. I thought I'd be more like Agatha Christie and I turned out to be like Jane Austen. Go figure.

  3. ok, that one is a little spooky...!!

    I was hoping I would be like Emily Dickinson - Note to Charmaine - because she is my favourite poet and I write poetry for myself, and I use alot of "-"'s, both in poetry and prose.

    However, turns out I am Agatha Christie - who is my favourite author! I have all her books, biographies (not ALL biographies), etc., etc. Personally, I am quite surprised by the written description of Agatha in this Quiz - sounds 'somewhat' like ME!!

    I know it is true that in real life we are attracted to people like ourselves, but I never thought that would hold for books!!

    Quite interesting! Thank you, Mike.


  4. Another Agatha Christie here the Personality was spot on and like Patricia Agatha is my favourite Author so its funny we are drawn to a Writer with a similar Personality.

  5. Heartbeatoz - good to know I am not alone!


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Mike, you always hook me with your tweets about your posts. This one is cool. Jane Austen? Hmm. I'll have to think about that one. :)

  8. Yet another Agatha Christie. I'm sorry to say, they missed the mark. I'm nothing like what's described. Sorry, but I sure enjoyed taking the quiz. Cheers!

  9. I seem to be a Virginia Woolf. I was surprised, somewhat, but after reading, it does fit!

  10. Another Virginia Woolf. One of my favourite authors (and people) - though I hope I have a happier ending.

  11. I am like Jane Austen!!! Yay!!! Taking into account that I am crazy about her and that my Twitter handle is @Austenite78, well, I guess this quiz was quite accurate :D

  12. I'm am Agatha Christie woman. Interesting questions, Mike, thanks for the diversion!

  13. I'm Harper Lee. Interesting choice, not sure how I ended up being her.
    Diana Lesire Brandmeyer

  14. I'm George Eliot (Mary Anne Evans)I'll have to look into why she posted under a man's name, but it described me to a "T"

  15. Harper Lee!!! and the description is spot-on!!!

  16. Agatha Christie here...pretty spot-on!

  17. Emily Dickenson? Wow. Who knew? Surely not me.

  18. Virginia Woolf ....Sounds awesome :)

  19. Another Agatha Christie here. I do so enjoy a fun mystery.

  20. Who knew I am like Emeli Dickenson? Hahaha i've liked it!!

  21. Virginia Woolf... now I've actually got to read something of hers... but yes, it seems to fit

  22. I got Jane Austen. Honestly though, I haven't read any of her works. Now, I'll probably be researching about her more and her books. Might as well read her works.

  23. Hello, Mike. I'm Harper Lee. Loved the questions and the quiz, so I reposted on my writing blog with a plug to you on Twitter and Google+. Another great marketing idea . . . stepping sideways. Nice way to start the morning. Now to work! Best, Beth
    PS You got some great feedback here. Now what's your take on replying to all these comments???

  24. I came out to be Agatha Christie. I'm not sure why I don't write murder mysteries. I used to enjoy reading them. But I am working n a crome fiction piece called The Butterfly Killer. Not so much about "who done it", but rather about "why done it." The why is more fascinating than the who in my opinion.

    1. Yep, I'm an Agatha Christie, too. I loved her books when I was a lad, but of all that I've written, I never wrote a whodunnit. Agreed the why is more fascinating than the who, though! :-)

  25. Wow, didn't think I'd be George Eliot. However, the description does fit me well!

  26. Thrilled to be a Harper Lee since To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my all-time favourite books! Thanks for a fun quiz :)

  27. Hmm...I wonder what Ms. Austen would say about my book, "CELESTIAL BODIES IN ORBIT: Memoirs of The Unknown Stripper? And if she took a quiz about which Modern Female Author she was most like, would it be me, lol?

  28. You are most like George Eliot (Mary Anne Evans)
    I will most definitely be reading "Wild Child" :)

  29. That was fun= "You are most like George Eliot (Mary Anne Evans)".
    I will definitely be reading "Wild Child" :)

    Mary x

  30. Fun quiz! Apparently I'm like Charlotte Bronte. Hm, I can definitely see that a bit.

  31. That was a fun quiz! Thanks, Mike!!! It seems I am not alone in being like one of my favorite authors -- Agatha Christie. YES! Although I haven't read her books in a very long time, I did read ALL of them when I was a kid and I loved her writing as much as I love the author Mary Higgins Clark (and now a lot of the crime fiction authors such as Mike Wells)! Nice way to break up my Saturday... Thanks again, Mike!

  32. That was awesome, thanks Mike!
    I got Harper Lee, and I must say, that's totally me! Not many Harpers around here, though.... :)
    Just got The Wrong Side of the Tracks, cant wait to start!
    My new work-in-progress would definitely make Harper proud :)

  33. I'm a Harper Lee :) Not bad, Mike, though more than half of the available genres in the 'what do you write' section were romance genres! What about those of us who don't write about luurve or crime?!
    A fun quiz though, and I enjoyed the write-up of my Harperish characteristics ;)

  34. "What brings you the most pleasure" was the hardest to choose from, but I can't deny that having Jane Austen's personality feels really good and accurate! This was fun, thanks!

  35. I came out as George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) - Scarily accurate.
